25 Healthy Habits

Happy New Year!

Over the last week, I have been thinking a lot about 2019. Some really great habits I created and some that still need work. 

I encourage you to set realistic expectations for yourself in 2020. Add in healthy habits. I started to jot things down in my phone and compiled a list to share with you. These basic habits will lead to wellness. 

25 Healthy habits to adopt (or continue) in 2020:

  1. Drink water.
  2. Move your body everyday.
  3. Go see your Primary Care Provider.
  4. Eat a salad a day.
  5. Eat dinner at the table.
  6. Practice gratitude.
  7. Go to the dentist.
  8. Save money.
  9. Read to your children (or let them read to you).
  10. Declutter your home.
  11. Use daily affirmations.
  12. Date your partner.
  13. Sleep at least 7 hours a night.
  14. Wash your face before bed.
  15. Recycle.
  16. Go to the dermatologist.
  17. Get your immunizations up to date.
  18. Use your vacation days.
  19. Put up an “out of office” message on your email.
  20. Write down your goals.
  21. Wake up before your kids.
  22. Put your laundry away.
  23. Let others help you.
  24. Say “no” unless it’s a “hell yes”.
  25. Floss your teeth.


Let me know if you have any to add!

Here’s to 2020! I hope you find your path to wellness this year. 




  1. James | 1st Jan 20

    No. 24 is important in so many ways. Saying yes or no is not only about taking on tasks or doing things for others but also about our decisions in life. If we aren’t absolutely “Hell yes“ about something, we probably shouldn’t say yes at all if we really have a choice.

    • Angie | 5th Jan 20

      I completely agree! I think this applies to all aspects of life, not just work!

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