Browsing Tag: recipe

Chicken Pot Pie

I get asked for this recipe at least once a week. It is quick and easy and SO GOOD. It is a one-dish meal that has it all: protein, carbs, veggies, and flavor! This chicken pot pie is also very cost effective. I try to keep the ingredients on…

Banana Recipes

So, I have baked approximately 37 loaves of banana bread since March. Anybody else feel this way? There is just something about a warm, fluffy piece of banana bread. Add butter on top and you’ve got a perfect snack. A few weeks ago, I found myself once again…

Roasted Red Pepper Pinwheels

Say that 5 times fast! HA! I love a quick grab and go eat. A few weeks ago for a family gathering, I was trying to come up with something to make for a snack/appetizer type eat. I made these tried and true salsa roll-ups and it got…

Lentil Nachos

Mexican cuisine is my FAVORITE. I went meatless back in March (for Lent) and ate lentils for the first time. I have started to eat meat again, but cooking with lentils is here to stay. On my March/April Recipe Round-up post you will find a lentil taco recipe…

Easy Chicken Enchiladas

Are you looking for an easy weeknight meal that the entire family will love? Well, maybe not the 3-year-old, depending on the day, but she doesn’t get to be a judge. Right?  Anyways, my husband and I have been cooking this meal for several years. The…

March & April Recipe Round-Up

All meatless recipes in this round-up! Am I a vegetarian? Nope, but I did go meatless for Lent. Truth is, I actually enjoyed it. I’m really not a big meat eater. I enjoy meatless meals, getting creative, and finding other sources of protein. I hear meat may…

My Weekly Menu: Week 2

Are you struggling to figure out what to eat this week? Now that we are eating all our meals at home plus one thousand snacks a day, a plan is helpful! This week I am going to include breakfast, lunch and dinner. See last week’s post to check out…

Overnight Oats

I love oatmeal. Like, really, really love it. I have been known to eat it for any meal. Oatmeal for dinner – why not? Oatmeal is a food I think should be included in everyone’s diet. Oats contain many necessary vitamins and minerals, can help lower cholesterol and may relieve…

January Recipe Round-up

A few family favorites are included in the January recipes I shared on social media! I have picked my top 5 to share in the monthly round-up. 1. Big Mac Bowl – This is a salad in my book and y’all know how I feel about a salad! There…

Easy Fruit Smoothie

My kids came home from my in-laws house last weekend requesting smoothies. I made a few tweaks to my mother-in-law’s concoction and have come up with a quick and easy fruit smoothie that is kid approved! This smoothie is just 4 ingredients that are easy…