Simple Food Prep and Storage Tips

Anybody else buy all the fruits and vegetables and they just sit in the crisper drawers and rot? Oh, you too? Well, let me share a few tips on food prep and storage with you.

I try to schedule my grocery haul for when I have time as soon as I get home to cut up and store fresh fruits and veggies.

If you have the food cut up and ready to eat, you will more likely choose a healthier option for a snack or your next meal. This also helps me to provide healthy options for my kids when they ask for 1,000 snacks a day.

For fruit, I wash it all when I get home using a colander like this one. Before storing fruit, you want to make sure it is dry. I lay it out flat on a clean towel on the counter.

For vegetables, I wash them, cut them up and store them in a glass container like these. I do think glass containers keep food fresh longer. These glass containers are also my favorite for storing leftovers to reheat.

If I have bought vegetables to roast in the oven for a dinner that week, I cut them up and store them in my stasher bags. I LOVE stasher bags. They keep food fresh and they are reusable. I use the half gallon size for my roasted vegetables.

For a quick grab and go snack for the kids, I cut up fruit and store them in the snack size stasher bags. I also save money using my snack size stasher bags by buying a large bag of a snack, like goldfish, and portioning it out to smaller, reusable bags.

After your next grocery trip, plan to spend 30 minutes to an hour getting all of the fresh food washed and stored. You will be glad you did next time you need to reach for a snack or get home late from work and need to throw dinner in the oven!


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